onsdag 9 oktober 2024

Seeed Respeaker HAT support for Raspberry Pi 5

Guide: Seeed ReSpeaker HAT on Raspberry, latest kernel as of October 2024.

I post this because I can't find anyone who have documented a current working solution for RPi 4 or 5 (as of October 2024) for the latest kernel. The installations are known for not working anymore when new kernels and updates are released.

This guide regards 2-mic, 4-mic and 6-mic card configurations.

Seeed, the manufacturer ended their support to these cards for Raspberry years ago but still sell the cards. 

This project is still experimental. I've done tests by reflashing the OS and installed. Every time I had to reboot and install again for the audio to work. 

For who? 
Potentially for all Raspberry Pi versions with the latest kernel installed and fully updated. 

What does it do?
It expands on HinTak's work with the explicit aim of supporting current shipping Raspbian/Ubuntu kernels without requiring downgrading. 
A expanded installation script has been added which calls the HinTak's installation script as a step in the process.

This script expands on the original installation script. It performs several tasks to ensure proper installation and compatibility with updated kernel versions. Here's a summary of what the script does:

  1. Checks for root privileges and sufficient space on the /boot volume.
  2. Verifies that the system is ARM/Raspberry Pi related by checking for specific directories and commands.
  3. Checks and potentially updates kernel headers to match the running kernel version.
  4. Updates and installs required packages, including kernel headers, gcc, git, and audio-related tools.
  5. Installs a kernel module named "seeed-voicecard" using DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) to ensure it works across kernel updates.
  6. Copies device tree overlay files (.dtbo) for different microphone configurations to the appropriate directory.
  7. Removes an old ALSA plugin and updates kernel module configurations.
  8. Modifies the boot configuration file to enable I2C and I2S interfaces.
  9. Installs configuration files for the voice card in /etc/voicecard.
  10. Sets up a Git repository in /etc/voicecard to track configuration changes.
  11. Installs a systemd service for the voice card and enables it to start on boot.
  12. Provides instructions for the user to reboot the system to apply all settings.

This script aims to provide a more robust installation process that adapts to potential kernel version mismatches and ensures all necessary components are in place for the voice card to function properly on a Raspberry Pi system.

What works? 
ALSA I/O has been tested and seems to be working. You can test yourself from the menu after installing, as the menu provides a section dedicated to audio and from here you can run suitable commands to show information and execute tests. Note that it is still experimental you're encouraged to do tests manually too by for example looking them up with an AI search engine like Perplexity.

PulseAudio is not installed by default even though there's still a folder from reaspeaker's original repository. You can install it through the menu system.

PulseAudio is not tested. This is tested on 2-mic voicecard.

Link to fork on Github where you can read more and install it with the help of the guide: https://github.com/Wartem/seeed-voicecard

fredag 27 september 2024

Remote Headless Raspberry Pi OS Lite Setup: No SD Card Reader, No Monitor, No Keyboard

Headless Raspberry Pi OS Flashing Guide

This guide provides a headless method for flashing a Raspberry Pi OS onto a bootable device by running on another another connected device. This approach is especially useful when you don't have direct access to the bootable device from your main computer.


The goal of this guide is to help users flash a Raspberry Pi OS to an SSD, SD card, or other bootable device in a headless environment. This method uses another Raspberry Pi to flash the device, configure essential settings, and ensure successful booting from the new OS.

There are certain limitations to consider, such as the inability to boot from a USB when an NVMe SSD is connected. Based on personal experience, you need to flash a microSD card first and boot from it to get the OS onto the SSD.

Additionally, some manual changes may be necessary after flashing to ensure bootability, as the CLI version of the Raspberry Pi Imager doesn’t include customized settings.

For a More Comprehensive Guide

For a more comprehensive guide on headless Raspberry Pi OS flashing, visit

this GitHub repository.

Download and run the script provided, and be sure to read the README for detailed instructions.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

  • A Raspberry Pi that you will use to flash the OS (with SSH access).
  • A bootable device (e.g., NVMe SSD, SD card, or USB drive).
  • Pre-downloaded Raspberry Pi OS image (e.g., raspios_lite_arm64_latest).
  • wget https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_lite_arm64_latest
  • mv raspios_lite_arm64_latest raspios_lite_arm64_latest.xz
  • Network access to configure Wi-Fi settings on the bootable device.
  • A basic understanding of using the terminal and SSH.

Steps to Flash Raspberry Pi OS

The following YAML-based Ansible playbook automates the process of flashing the Raspberry Pi OS onto a bootable device. The playbook also configures essential settings like SSH, Wi-Fi, and user credentials, ensuring that the newly flashed device is ready to use after boot. Make sure to customize the playbook before running it on your device.

Note: Running this playbook will make changes to your system and the target bootable device. Always double-check your settings and make sure you're targeting the correct device before running the playbook.

Playbook for Flashing OS

# Run with sudo ansible-playbook notebook_setup.yml
- name: Set up Raspberry Pi bootable device
  hosts: localhost
  become: yes
    bootable_device: /dev/nvme0n1 # Change this to your device path, e.g., /dev/sda, /dev/mmcblk0, etc.
    os_image_path: /home/os_username/raspios_lite_arm64_latest.xz
    wifi_ssid: "WIFI_SSID"
    wifi_password: "WIFI_PASSWORD"
    new_username: "NEW_USERNAME"
    new_password: "NEW_PASSWORD"
    country: "US"
    perform_full_wipe: true
    fixed_wait_time: 60 # Adjust waiting time if needed

    - name: confirmation
      prompt: "Are you sure you want to flash {{ bootable_device }}? All current data on this device will be lost. Type 'yes' to confirm, or 'no' to cancel."
      private: false
      default: ""

    - name: Verify confirmation
        msg: "Operation cancelled by the user. Playbook execution aborted."
      when: confirmation != 'yes'

    - name: Check if OS image file exists
        path: "{{ os_image_path }}"
      register: os_image_stat

    - name: Fail if OS image doesn't exist
        msg: "The specified OS image {{ os_image_path }} does not exist."
      when: not os_image_stat.stat.exists

    - name: Ensure partitions are unmounted
        path: "{{ item }}"
        state: unmounted
        - /mnt/boot
        - /mnt/rootfs
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Clear partition table (optional full wipe)
      command: "dd if=/dev/zero of={{ bootable_device }} bs=512 count=1"
      when: perform_full_wipe | default(false)

    - name: Install required packages
          - rpi-imager
          - parted
        state: present
        update_cache: yes

    - name: Check if bootable device exists
        path: "{{ bootable_device }}"
      register: bootable_device_stat

    - name: Fail if bootable device doesn't exist
        msg: "The specified bootable device {{ bootable_device }} does not exist."
      when: not bootable_device_stat.stat.exists

    - name: Determine partition suffix
        partition_suffix: "{{ 'p' if '/dev/mmcblk' in bootable_device or '/dev/loop' in bootable_device or '/dev/nvme' in bootable_device else '' }}"

    - name: Flash new OS to bootable device
      command: >
        rpi-imager --cli {{ os_image_path }} {{ bootable_device }} --enable-writing-system-drives
      register: flash_result
      failed_when: flash_result.rc != 0
      changed_when: flash_result.rc == 0

    - name: Wait for system to settle after flashing
        seconds: "{{ fixed_wait_time }}" # Replaces the dynamic partition detection loop

    - name: Inform kernel of partition table changes
      command: "partprobe {{ bootable_device }}"
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Ensure partitions are available
        path: "{{ bootable_device }}{{ partition_suffix }}{{ item }}"
        state: present
        timeout: 30
        - "1"
        - "2"
      register: wait_result
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Check partition availability results
        msg: "Partition {{ bootable_device }}{{ partition_suffix }}{{ item.item }} is not available after 30 seconds."
      when: item.failed
      loop: "{{ wait_result.results }}"

    - name: Debug partition availability
        msg: "Partition {{ bootable_device }}{{ partition_suffix }}{{ item.item }} status: {{ item.state }}"
      loop: "{{ wait_result.results }}"

    - name: Fail if partitions are not available
        msg: >-
          Partitions are not available after flashing. Please check the device and try again.
      when: wait_result is failed

    - name: Create mount points
        path: "{{ item }}"
        state: directory
        - /mnt/boot
        - /mnt/rootfs

    - name: Mount bootable device partitions
        path: "{{ item.path }}"
        src: "{{ item.src }}"
        fstype: "{{ item.fstype }}"
        state: mounted
        - path: /mnt/boot
          src: "{{ bootable_device }}{{ partition_suffix }}1"
          fstype: vfat
        - path: /mnt/rootfs
          src: "{{ bootable_device }}{{ partition_suffix }}2"
          fstype: ext4

    # Remaining tasks are unchanged
    - name: Set up Wi-Fi configuration
        content: |
          country="{{ country }}"
          ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

            ssid="{{ wifi_ssid }}"
            psk="{{ wifi_password }}"
        dest: /mnt/boot/wpa_supplicant.conf

    - name: Enable SSH
        path: /mnt/boot/ssh
        state: touch

    - name: Ensure SSH password authentication is enabled
        path: /mnt/rootfs/etc/ssh/sshd_config
        regexp: "^#?PasswordAuthentication"
        line: PasswordAuthentication yes

    - name: Disable SSH root login
        path: /mnt/rootfs/etc/ssh/sshd_config
        regexp: "^#?PermitRootLogin"
        line: PermitRootLogin no

    - name: Check if user exists
      command: "chroot /mnt/rootfs /bin/bash -c 'id -u {{ new_username }}'"
      register: user_exists
      failed_when: false
      changed_when: false

    - name: Remove existing user if present
      command: "chroot /mnt/rootfs /bin/bash -c 'userdel -r {{ new_username }}'"
      when: user_exists.rc == 0

    - name: Create user on the new system
      shell: |
        chroot /mnt/rootfs /bin/bash -c "
        useradd -m -s /bin/bash {{ new_username }} &&
        echo '{{ new_username }}:{{ new_password }}' | chpasswd &&
        usermod -aG sudo {{ new_username }}

    - name: Allow passwordless sudo for the new user
        content: "{{ new_username }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"
        dest: "/mnt/rootfs/etc/sudoers.d/{{ new_username }}"
        mode: "0440"

    - name: Enable SSH service on the new system
      shell: |
        chroot /mnt/rootfs /bin/bash -c "
        systemctl enable ssh

    - name: Configure network on the new system
        content: |
          allow-hotplug eth0
          iface eth0 inet dhcp
          allow-hotplug wlan0
          iface wlan0 inet dhcp
            wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
        dest: /mnt/rootfs/etc/network/interfaces

    - name: Set hostname
        content: raspberrypi
        dest: /mnt/rootfs/etc/hostname

    - name: Configure hosts file
        content: |

          # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
          ::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
          ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
          ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
        dest: /mnt/rootfs/etc/hosts

    - name: Set locale
        content: en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
        dest: /mnt/rootfs/etc/locale.gen

    - name: Generate locale
      command: chroot /mnt/rootfs /bin/bash -c 'locale-gen'

    - name: Set default locale
        content: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
        dest: /mnt/rootfs/etc/default/locale

    - name: Set timezone to Eastern Time (US)
      command: >-
        chroot /mnt/rootfs /bin/bash -c 'ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime'

    - name: Unmount partitions
        path: "{{ item }}"
        state: unmounted
        - /mnt/boot
        - /mnt/rootfs

    - name: Final sync before reboot
      command: sync

    - name: Notify about success
        msg: >
          Raspberry Pi bootable device created successfully with OS image {{ os_image_path }} on {{ bootable_device }}.
    - name: Remind user to safely remove device
        msg: "Setup complete. You can now safely remove {{ bootable_device }} and boot your Raspberry Pi."

Running the Ansible Playbook

After creating the YAML file with the provided playbook content, follow these steps to run it:

  1. Save the playbook: Save the YAML content to a file named flash_raspberrypi.yml on your Raspberry Pi.
  2. Recommended: Update your RPi in order for installation to succeed:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  3. Install Ansible: If you haven't already, install Ansible on your Raspberry Pi:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install ansible
  4. Customize the playbook: Before running, make sure to customize the variables in the vars section of the playbook to match your specific requirements:
    • bootable_device: Set this to the correct device path (e.g., /dev/sda, /dev/nvme0n1)
    • os_image_path: Ensure this points to the correct location of your Raspberry Pi OS image
    • wifi_ssid and wifi_password: Update these with your Wi-Fi credentials
    • new_username and new_password: Set these to your desired values for the new user
  5. Run the playbook: Execute the playbook using the following command:
    ansible-playbook flash_raspberrypi.yml
    You may need to run this with sudo if your user doesn't have the necessary permissions:
    sudo ansible-playbook flash_raspberrypi.yml
  6. Monitor the output: Ansible will display the progress of each task in the playbook. Watch for any errors or warnings.
  7. Verify completion: Once the playbook finishes, you should see a success message indicating that the bootable device setup is complete.
  8. Reboot: After the playbook has run successfully, reboot your Raspberry Pi and ensure it boots from the newly flashed device.

Connect to Your New System

When trying to SSH into your new system, you might get an SSH error due to the new OS. To fix this: 1. Remove the old SSH key: ssh-keygen -R your_raspberry_pi_ip_address Replace your_raspberry_pi_ip_address with your Raspberry Pi's actual IP address. 2. You should now be able to SSH into your Raspberry Pi using the username and password you set up earlier. After your first login, it's a good practice to update your system: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Fix the locale

  sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
  # Or for example another country:
  # sudo locale-gen sv_SE.UTF-8
  sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  sudo reboot


After following the steps outlined above, your Raspberry Pi OS should be successfully flashed to the bootable device, ready for use. Be sure to configure Wi-Fi settings and enable SSH for easier headless access in the future.

onsdag 5 april 2023

"Deep Blue Swag" by "Eminem" (Chat GPT 4)

Chat GPT is very useful indeed. It can do a lot of things, both useful and funny.

I asked Chat GPT to write a song by "Eminem" about the Blue Whale.

I thought it was quite impressive.

Here goes:

"Deep Blue Swag" by "Eminem" (Chat GPT 4)

[Verse 1]

Yo, I'm cruisin' through the ocean, feelin' that sway,

Ridin' waves like a gangsta, lookin' for a way.

See the biggest homie, got me trippin', no lie,

Blue whale so huge, touchin' the sky.

Floatin' smooth like a lowrider, no tension,

Its size and power, man, it's street comprehension.

A hundred feet long, like a block in the hood,

200 tons of weight, ain't nothin' that could.


Deep blue swag, you own the sea,

Livin' large, the illest life, you're the MVP.

Rhyme and swim, we're tight, like family,

I'm vibin' with the realest, the blue whale, you and me.

[Verse 2]

Eatin' krill like it's fast food, they ain't playin',

Four tons a day, man, they ain't delayin'.

Biggest homies in the sea, but gentle, no doubt,

Chillin' in the deep blue, ain't no sellout.

Faced tough times, hunted, nearly wiped out,

But they bounced back, yo, they stood their ground.

Now they're risin', a symbol of hope,

Their strength and hustle, man, it's straight-up dope.


Deep blue swag, you own the sea,

Livin' large, the illest life, you're the MVP.

Rhyme and swim, we're tight, like family,

I'm vibin' with the realest, the blue whale, you and me.


The ocean's depth like the streets I've known,

These whales and my rhymes, connected, we've grown.

Together we'll rise, conquer this world,

The story of the blue whale, let it be heard.

[Verse 3]

Watchin' 'em swim, I'm feelin' mad respect,

Their power, their story, makes my mind reflect.

Inspired by their vibe, their hustle, their game,

A livin' example, don't give up, no shame.


Deep blue swag, you own the sea,

Livin' large, the illest life, you're the MVP.

Rhyme and swim, we're tight, like family,

I'm vibin' with the realest, the blue whale, you and me.


So here's to the blue whale, the boss of the deep,

Their story's a treasure, one we gotta keep.

I'll carry their vibe in the rhymes I spit,

A shout-out to the blue whale, the ocean's legit. 

onsdag 28 december 2022

Multiplication of sequences like lists, tuples and str | Python

The multiplication operator on a ordered collection (sequence), like strings, lists, tuples, byte sequences or byte arrays means that the items/objects inside are repeated. It does not mean creation of copies (shallow or deep ones) of the items/objects.

This can be tested with the help of the id() function which returns the memory address of an object. Two objects with overlapping lifetime can never have the same id.

An exception to this is small intergers and other immutables, which Python keeps a small cache of hence giving them the same ID.

Example 1:


a = [1]

b = [1]

print(id(a), id(b))


Output: 2 different IDs because no cashing. 

Example 1.1:


a = 1

b = 1

print(id(a), id(b))


Output: Same ID for a and b, because of cashing.

Example 1.2 Same ID because of repeat:


a = [1]

# Multiply by 2 to get [1, 1]

a = a * 2 

for num in a:



Output: (Same ID x 2):



onsdag 9 november 2022

[Python] len() and time complexity

Some say "if you care about speed you shouldn't use Python". Others say "since Python isn't fast, you have to optimize it to make it viable".

The behavior of len() depends on the class definition.

Calling len() is always taking constant time for iterable data structures(string, list, tuple, etc.). That's because they have __len__() defined that way. They use a counter which is altered when the iterable in question is altered. len() is therefore just returning a counter in this scenario.

Without defining __len__() you can't use len() on it. Since it's up to the creator of the class to define what this dunder method should do and return, you can have any time complexion. You could for example traverse something every time the method is called. 

måndag 7 november 2022

Pygame for Python 3.11

As of writing this, Python 3.11 is a new release and in order to use it with Pygame you have to install Pygame in slightly different way:

pip install pygame --pre

fredag 4 november 2022

How to learn & three great Python books

 I recently found an interesting article about learning:


From this paper:

Six strategies for effective learning:

1. Spaced practice - Instead of studying it all within a short time.

2. Interleaving - Switching between topics while studying.

3. Retrieval practice - Bringing learned information to mind from long-term memory.

4. Elaboration - Asking and explaining why and how things work.

5. Concrete examples - illustrating abstract concepts with specific examples.

6. Dual coding - Combining words with visuals.

For me, learning by doing works great. It makes it more fun and engaging.

For this I recommend the Python Cookbook: Recipes for Mastering Python 3 by Brian K. Jones and David M. Beazley.

Other great intermediate level books are Fluent Python and Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python by Brett Slatkin.