For keyboard support you need these functions:
bool get_key_pressed(int nVirtKey)
return (GetAsyncKeyState(nVirtKey) & 0x8000) != 0;
We need to check if the key is valid with isprint():
We also want a delay between possible keystrokes. We use GetTickCount() for this:
DWORD trainerResetTim;
void reset_mod_switch()
trainerResetTime = GetTickCount();
We want to get the key pressed every 400 milliseconds. Insert is used as key if activateKeyChar is not a valid key:
bool on_off_switch_pressed(){
if (isprint(activateKeyChar)){ // activateKeyChar is your key
return ((GetTickCount() > trainerResetTime + 400) && get_key_pressed(activateKeyChar));
return ((GetTickCount() > trainerResetTime + 400) && get_key_pressed(0x2D));
Read the previous post about how to read from the .ini file. You can in this way let the user choose a key code from here: and write it in the .ini file so that your mod can get it and use it.
Now you can in your script loop check if your button is pressed:
if (on_off_switch_pressed()){
// do something
Controller support example
Controller support is similar:
bool on_off_mod_with_controller_switch_pressed(){
return ((GetTickCount() > trainerResetTime + 400) && isControllButtonPressed(activateControllerButtonChar)
&& canActivateWithController);
canActivateWithController is a bool used to make it so that the controller only is usable when wanted.
Controller button keys:
int xInputIndex = 2; // always 2
bool isControllButtonPressed(int controllerButton){
if (canActivateWithController){
if (CONTROLS::IS_CONTROL_PRESSED(xInputIndex, controllerButton)){
return true;
return false;
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